June 30, 2013

2 4 Today!!!

Sweet Berry Dressing

START TO FINISH: 15 minutes

2/3 cup refrigerated berry-vegetable juice blend
      (such as Bolthouse Farms 50/50 Berry or
       Naked Berry Veggie)
¼ cup olive oil
2  tbsp. lemon juice
1  tbsp. honey
¼ tsp. salt
    Dash pepper
1 to 1 ½ tsp. poppy seeds

In a blender combine juice blend, oil, lemon juice, honey, salt, and pepper; process until well blended. Stir in poppy seeds. Makes 20 (1 Tbsp.) servings.

 Green Pesto Sauce



½ cup refridgerated green juice blend
    (such as Naked Green Machine)
2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 ½ cups firmly packed fresh flat-leaf Italian parsley
½ cup firmly packed basil leaves
½ cup pine nuts, toasted
½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
3 cloves garlic, sliced
½ tsp. salt

June 27, 2013

Baby Birds

 Okay...I have two stories to tell you about baby birds. One story about a squirrel and a paragraph about Spring.

Baby Bird Story #1

 One day some of our friends were over. I was standing outside. My sister yells "Rachel come here! We found two baby birds!" I of course ran over. Yes indeed. Two baby birds (I admit...the ugliest I'd ever seen) with no feathers and weak bodies were in the grass. I made sure the cats didn't get to them until my dad brought his ladder and put them back in the next. I hope they lived!
(This was at least a month ago)

Baby Bird Story #2

Now, for a long time we've known about a bird's nest in the ivy by our house. We've heard the birds cheeping, and have waited to see them come out. A few days ago one baby bird fell out, and Mr. Diamond (My cat) snagged it. He didn't hurt it, thankfully, and I rescued it and held it. (P.S, i named it Delilah because it dropped from the nest.) My Dad put it back in the nest. It flew out and grabbed the ivy. The cats were staring at it hungrily, so we kept butting them away and throwing them out of reach. Then another baby fell out of a near tree. I tried to get to it, but it hid under a bush (I named it Heidi). By then my mom was so worried that the cats would eat the babies that we put them in our laundry room to give the babies time.


June 10, 2013

A Feature Post

Today we are featuring a blog!

My Thoughts and Designs

This blog is run by a 10 year old who likes to blog. She features Art, Her Designs, Fun Easy Ideas, Desserts, and Photography.

Click HERE to visit it today!

June 6, 2013

A Giggle Never Hurt Anyone!!!


We totally are laughing about this one!!! I wish they'd all do that and then you could see what the clothes would fit like! Ha! Notice the girl in the back is nodding her head!

Okay, the Alexander the Great video we posted was one in a series.

Horrible Histories.

If your kids (or you!) are a history humorous person, we gotcha in! Horrible Histories videos are all about...history! The Vile Victorian, Terrible Tudors and so many more!

June 5, 2013

I Got The Backyard Blues!

Not again! The backyard is boring? No trees? *GASP!* Not even grass!

Okay, okay. Your scenario is probably not that bad. You may have grass, but no landscaping. Easy peasy, if your husband will do that sorta stuff for ya. Okay, what if you have this beautiful tree covered yard with grass and...but you want landscaping, NOW!

Okay, this doesn't look like the same house. Why? Because they re-did the back of the house too. If this is more of what you are hoping to accomplish ahem, I suggest finding a pro. (No Marsha I am not saying Tim cannot do this) 

Now, my mom is extremely bothered by shrubs! Do they bother you?
If shrubs or bushes bother you then GET RID OF THEM! Don't think twice about it. You won't miss them. Again, to make the house look fresher, the owner re-painted the house and added adorable handles to garage.

Does your backyard look like this?

Okay, simple grass, landscaping, molch, flower beds, paths, and some time will make your yard look better.

June 4, 2013

Remodeling the Kitchen

Okay, are you house shopping, and seeing all these dumpy kitchens? That plain light wood color, or dark wood. Old sinks, dishwasher, or refrigerators? Is it hard to picture your dumpy kitchen working? Probably.

Does your kitchen look like any of these?

Wait, stop! Don't be discouraged! Your kitchen only needs paint, (and maybe some new appliances) rearranged cabinets, and some decorations! Your kitchen could look like one of these!

Okay, just FYI, white is THE color to paint your cabinets! If you haven't already noticed! :)

Now for some before & afters!

 Do you have some inspiration? Or Ideas? I hope so!

New Look!

Just an announcement! Our blog is now...

The 99 Stepz!

We are so sorry if anyone got lost with our new change! It's now... www.the99stepz.blogspot.com

Make sure to remember that!!!

June 3, 2013


Jeans are so cool. I mean, I still wear jeans, in JUNE! Seriously, they get a little hot! Today the topic is, jeans. As you've known from your shopping experiences there are many kinds of jeans!

I, personally (Rachel) am a fan of dark blue jeans, they aren't pictured above! Sorry! I usually wear them on slightly windy days. Jeans also come in categories:

  • Skinny
  • Straight
  • Bootcut
  • Flare
  • Slim
For the longest time I really thought that bootcut looked good on me. Then I switched to straight jeans. The skinny ones take too long to pull off! :)

My waist is so very tiny. I won't bother to tell you just HOW tiny. Anyway, my jeans are usually dark blue, and I have never owned a pair of sparkly jeans, EVER. ~ Rachel

Easy Gift Idea

Ok...What you'll need...

Recycable Bag-

  • Stickers/Sharpie...whatever works best for you
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Your Gift
  • Tissue Paper
  • A Car Trip to the dollar store/ Target/ Walmart / any party supply store.

Now, this is really a good idea! ( I Came Up With It!)

Alright. Put your present(s) in the bag you chose. Mine was pink. Now take your stickers/sharpie and make the design as you would like (I used white flower stickers and just cut half of some off like the flower on the bottom of the bag). Now slide your card in. Open the tissue paper...and ta-da! A Perfect Present! Now you spent a little more time on your friends present than just buying her/him a gift bag from the store! I hope this was helpful!

June 2, 2013

Terms of the Blog

These are our terms:

1. please do not copy any of our posts, pictures, graphics, etc. without given permission
2. You may use 1 picture from a post with a link back to our blog.
3. Do not use language in your comments or you will be banned from commenting and your comment will not be posted.
4. Feel free to use our graphics for PERSONAL use, do not resell them or call them our own.

Our blog is not copyrighted.

Laugh, Laugh, Laugh

 Okay, prepare to laugh Blog Readers!

Go to the links below for Funny, Posts, Videos, and etc.

 Hilarious House Re-do


Humorous Vid about Alexander the Great


Or Watch it below!


June 1, 2013

All About House Shopping

Okay, believe me. I know your troubles in looking for houses. We are doing the same thing you are, House Shopping. Today your life is getting easier.

Tip #1-

When you're looking for a house you have to decide. "I am buying a house to live in for a year" or "two years" or "until my hubby gets stationed somewhere else" or "forever". Based on that, you know that you'll need a house that can work for your x amount of time.

You also need to decide, "I want a brick house" "Jim, I'm going for the rocks on the front" "Oh my goodness, I am digging the paneling" That way you know basically what type of house you want.

Space is another problem. You have four kids. Yikes! A grand total of six bedrooms! (kidding)

Think about it like this.

3 bedrooms
4 bedrooms
5 bedrooms

1 bath
2 baths
3 baths

large backyard
small backyard
trees in backyard
I don't care

Location matters
Location doesn't matter

HOA - (Home Owners Asssociation
Neighborhood Pool
Park Nearby
All of the above
None of the above

Great! Now you know what your looking for! (I'm not covering $$$)

A great place to look for house is Zillow.
All you have to do is type in your desired- city, state, neighborhood, street, etc.
It'll pull it up. You can create an account and save your favorite houses,  and leave comments on houses too.
Guess what? There is also a Zillow app! For android, i-pad, i-pod, and i-phone. (It may be for more. Idk)

Realtors, however, do not recommend Zillow. It is a little outdated. So before you fall in love with 1385 Lake View Dr., Teresa, make sure it's still for sale. :)

Realtors, isn't it ironic, :), refer you to Realtor.com.
I'm not joking. Realtor.com is all updated info. PLUS you can have an account. Your realtor can see your comments on houses as well as send you more to look at! (Not using a realtor? I recommend it)

Allrighty, Allrighty. So it looks easy, right? Yeah...but it's not.
Here come the hard part. Read below.

Laura: Oooh Tom, 1275 Oak Lane is my favorite so far!

Tom: Earlier you said it was 56 Fallber

Laura: Oh yeah...

Tom: So...

Laura: Well Oak Lane is 137,000

Tom: Fallber is 136,000

Laura: Why?

Tom: It doesn't have a brand new fridge

Laura: Oh...

What would you do?...
Buy the cheaper, or go for the new fridge? These are questions you will HAVE  to go through.

Hope this helped!